Triad Toys
Set Zombie Survival Pack 2 Limité à 250 pièces dans le monde
Different enemies require different weapons and tactics. These weapons have proved to be invaluable when dealing with the zombie horde and comes highly recommended for dispatching the undead.
Set #2 features :
- Machete: The machete is the premiere weapon of choice when it comes to the undead. Aim it at the limbs to slow down your opponent or aim at the neck to sever heads and stop them for good. Make sure to wash thoroughly before use on any meat or poultry.
- Frying pan: While it is best used as a cooking tool while on the road, the frying pan is also a great weapon to create blunt-force trauma. A shot to the face or head will keep most zombies at bay. Be sure to use with the wood axe for some old-fashioned wood fire grill and wash thoroughly before using it for meals.
- Mattock: another invaluable tool, the mattock can be used to dig graves or escape routes. While more on the heavy side, the mattock will slow you down with its dual handed grip, but it is best used against more heavy-set enemies and will create massive damage with every swing.
Limited to only 250 pieces worldwide.